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Get half of your tuition back when you graduate

We're excited to announce a new feature of the Nanodegree program that will give you half of your tuition back when you graduate within 12 months of enrollment.
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The Nanodegree Formula

Master new skills through a series of online courses and projects

Silicon Valley cityscape

By Silicon Valley

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mountain with challenging pathway to top


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Udacity for Employers

Ensure your workforce masters the latest tech skills

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Employers use Udacity to train their own employees.

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What's New

Diverse groups of people working in a shared garage-like space

Android Career Summit

Be one of 50 Android Nanodegree grads to hack at Google! Learn more.
Android Instructor Katherine Kuan

Android Development For Beginners

Take the first step on your journey to becoming an Android developer with this beginner's course built by Google!
Man sitting outside with a laptop

Python Programming Language

Learn Python with this comprehensive list of resources.
Three women standing side-by-side

Online Experiment Design and Analysis

See how to create and use A/B tests to help make informed decisions.